Sunday, July 26, 2009

The end is near...

I can't believe that I only have one more full day here in Nicaragua. This month has flown by. However, at this point, I can say that I'm ready to be home. This really has been a great experience--I think I would stay longer if I was living with a family and volunteering somewhere in the community in addition to taking more classes (maybe next summer--he he). Nicaragua is a beautiful and very safe place. I've been able to meet some great people, improve on my spanish, and see so many things that I didn't expect.

Here's the report from my last weekend here: On Saturday I spent the day in Grenada--a beautiful colonial town but it was a bit too touristy for my liking. I know that I am a tourist and will always look like one no matter how hard I try, but we have gone to so many places that are not tourist filled that it felt weird being around so many other foreigners. Unfortunately it rained most of the day or was at least cloudy so the views of the lake and surrounding volcanoes were a bit obscured. We did head out on Lake Nicaragua on a small boat and got a tour of the isletas--many of which were owned by the ridiculously wealthy. There was a very small one for sale for only $100,000 if anyone is interested.
Today was a bit of a lazy day. I finally got to take a horseback ride up to the ridge behind Volcan Masaya. The view from up there was amazing and despite having to be on a horse, all was well. This afternoon I studied a bit of the subjunctive (no, I don't think I'll ever get it or use it correctly) and treated myself to a pedicure. It cost $5. You wouldn't believe how gross your feet could get in a month here. Currently I'm sitting out on the terrace enjoying a beverage and lamenting the end of Le Tour and the fact that I didn't get to watch any of it. Que lastima.

I'm looking forward to talking to all of you in person and I'll be sure to post pictures as soon as I can. What a month. It will be a shame when this place gets to be well known...I'm glad I came when I did.

1 comment:

  1. Come HOME! We miss you!
    Safe journey. Travel mercies . . .
