Friday, August 13, 2010

The sea was angry that day my friends

With hopes of better weather, we hopped on another boat and headed out to Green Island today. The sun was shining and it was relatively warm. However, it was quite windy and the boat ride out was just slightly treacherous. If you weren't getting run into by passengers trying to move, then you were trying to avoid people vomiting.

Once on the island we got our snorkeling stuff and went for a swim. Because of the wind, we were getting blown out to sea rather quickly and it was hard to stay where you wanted to. Despite all of that, we saw some more amazing coral and beautiful fish. I'm still not so sure about being that close to fish by the way. The highlight for everyone though, was spotting a sea turtle and swimming along with it for awhile. We were told there was a chance we would see one so we had our hopes up. For myself, after freaking out and tucking into a little ball, I relaxed a bit and was able to swim.

The rest of the time on the island was spent walking around, relaxing on the beach, and a bit more snorkeling. The boat ride back wasn't as bad as the wind had died down. We did almost leave Laurie on the island (well, we kind of did--she had to get the boat after ours) but we all met up again at the pier in Cairns.

We're off to Sydney tomorrow (at an awful hour--we're getting picked up from the hostel at 4:10am) for a whirlwind of tours and full days. If you ever find yourself in Cairns, I highly recommend the Globetrotters Hostel. It has a lovely atmosphere and we've really enjoyed ourselves here.


  1. See my comment below -plus you should definitely avoid people vomiting.

  2. our lives are so exciting - we're watching little league regionals on TV. They're not even to Williamsport yet.
    Also, Orioles are beating Tampa Bay.

  3. Hi, travelers. I want to snorkel with the turtles, too. I tried to see if you wrote anything since this blog and accidentally made my own blog. Nothing interesting here.
